Lianne V.

Skóre Bezkempu: 49

Hodnotenie od majiteľov:

Počet navštívených pozemkov: 3
Počet požičaných vozidiel: 0

30.7 - 2.8.2024 Patrik říká:

Milá mladá rodina s malými dětmi z Holandska, vše ok, komunikace, pobyt, ... všem doporučuji
2.8 - 5.8.2024 Ali

U oveček, TOP místo na Palčovce
2.8 - 5.8.2024 Lianne hovorí:
We had a wonderful time at this beautiful location. Surrounded by nature, it offered a peaceful and serene environment perfect for a relaxing getaway. The nearby road is quiet, ensuring minimal disturbance.

A unique feature is the honor system for purchasing drinks. You can grab a drink and leave your payment in the box, adding to the charm of the place. Firewood is also readily available, which was perfect for our evening campfires.

One thing to note: be mindful of sheep droppings on the field. It’s a small trade-off for the otherwise idyllic setting. Highly recommended for nature lovers looking for tranquility.
stanování u Rudoltické myslivny
30.7 - 2.8.2024 Lianne hovorí:
Patrik is a friendly host who is really proud of his place.

The site is beautiful and compact. There is access to a small flowing stream, although it can be quite muddy.

The location is relatively close to a main road, but it offers plenty of peace and quiet during the evening and night.

In addition to pigs, horses, cows, and chickens, Patrick also has 27 dogs used for sledding. If you wake up at night to the sound of wolves, rest assured that it is just his dogs. Patrik proudly showed us everything.

Overall it was a great stay. Thank you!
Romantika na severu
27.7 - 31.7.2024 Lianne hovorí:
The place was beautiful, and the facilities of the nearby buildings were good.

We didn't have any contact with the owner; everything went smoothly on its own.

It was quite busy with visitors during the day, but it became wonderfully quiet in the evening.

The nearby restaurant was great. We enjoyed our meal.

Unfortunately, there were a lot of wasps, making it impossible to eat outside during our stay. That is not something the owner can do anything about, but it is something that can affect your stay.
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